What is the Best Way to Keep Your Septic System Healthy?

What is the Best Way to Keep Your Septic System Healthy?

Posted by on 2023-11-21

Keeping your septic system healthy is essential for maintaining a safe and clean environment. The best way to ensure that your system remains in optimal condition is to adhere to a few simple steps. First, it’s important to schedule regular inspections and maintenance visits from a qualified professional. This will help you detect any problems early on, before they become serious issues. Second, make sure that only biodegradable items are flushed or disposed of into the septic tank or drain field. Non-biodegradable materials such as paper towels, plastic bags, cigarette butts, and other solids can clog up the system and lead to costly repairs. Additionally, be mindful of what goes down the kitchen sink; grease, oils, fats, and harsh chemicals can all harm the bacteria in your septic tank. Finally, avoid overusing water by installing low-flow fixtures like toilets and showerheads which use less water per flush or cycle. By following these guidelines you will ensure that your septic system stays healthy for many years to come!